Rather than opening this text file, you should directly open the view file "Easy View - Read Me" in order to appreciate the program.
~Dedicated to D. Ali Eyler~
**Version 2.4 of March 1994**
Easy View is a program for browsing of collections of structured (but otherwise plain) text files, large or small. It allows very fast access by recognizing the internal structure. All of the following text formats can be viewed using Easy View:
* setext, including TidBITS and similar publications
* Info-Mac, c.s.m.p, or similar digests
* Mail collections: Internet, Navigator, Notebook, etc.
* Dictionaries
* Plain text
Easy View comes with three documents, one view and two text files, which also demonstrate the setext format:
1. Easy View - Read Me [This view]
2. Easy View Introduction [This file]
3. Easy View Notes
Please open "Easy View - Read Me" (if you have not done so) to read the first two files. You may find the <space> key handy for continuous reading.
After gaining some experience with the program, you may want to open the text files (with TeachText or the editor of your choice) in order to see how structure is indicated in setext.
Written by M. Akif Eyler, Bilkent University, 06533 Ankara, Turkey.
e-mail: eyler@bilkent.edu.tr
The application was developed using MacApp 2.0 and Think Pascal 4.0.1, as such it may contain portions copyrighted by Apple Computer and Symantec.
This program can be distributed freely on any medium, for non-commercial purposes, along with the enclosed documents. It may not be sold or exchanged for profit.
The individuals listed below have contributed to the development of Easy View in some significant way.
**Special Thanks**
Adam Engst TidBITS editor; ideas on user interface
Ian Feldman Design of setext; ideas on user interface
Susan Lesch Ideas on user interface; bug reports
Riza Nur Pacalioglu Ideas on user interface
Ömer Ayzan Initial motivation & support
Geoff Duncan Discussions on EV
Ric Ford Discussions on EV
L. Mollamustafaoglu Discussions on MacApp
Craig O'Donnell RSI Network Newsletter editor
Akif Üçel Discussions on MacApp
I would like to express my gratitude to all others who have contributed ideas and encouragement. Too many to cite here, most of the inspiration coming from the users have already been converted to binary instructions in EV 2.4. Some ideas are still in the to-do list. A few suggestions were either beyond the scope of the current design or too difficult to implement.
**Freeware Authors**
The freeware cited below was used (directly or indirectly) in the development of Easy view.
Günther Blaschek PopChar
Lloyd Chambers MacCompress
Steve Christensen MountImage
Steve Christensen SuperClock
Tom Dowdy DarkSide
Michael Engber Save a BNDL
Ken Hancock DeSEA
Michael Hecht ResCompare
Joe Holt Swatch
Rick Holzgrafe Applicon
Kaz Matsuki TextMerger
John Norstad Disinfectant
Leonard Rosenthol StuffIt Expander
Daniel Schaerer Small Screen
Rich Siegel BBEdit Lite
For more information on setext, the structure-enhanced text
format contact Ian Feldman directly <ianf@random.se> or extract
via anonymous FTP or by sending 'Subject: setext', EMPTY message
body, no quotes, to the TidBITS <fileserver@tidbits.com>
What's New in EV 2.4
This chapter itemizes changes since EV 2.3.
New Features
* Large sections are broken into 32K-byte chunks (in any text format)
* A view can be saved as setext or as outline (with the option key)
* Text files can be included from the menu or by dragging into EV
(Such files are added to the active view)
* The backward/forward feature in a stack of 15 previous positions
* EV icon is colored slightly (may need to rebuild the Desktop)
* Last screen scrolls just enough to place the bottom line on top
* Copy/Clip operations are simplified: they apply on the selection,
if any, on the entire section if none
* A finger cursor is displayed on clickable elements
* Clipped items are separated by CR's
* Command key is disabled with the arrows
Bug Fixes
* The infamous style bug seems to be gone
* The not-so-famous bug of empty files is fixed
(You cannot include empty text files any more)
* The unneeded items in SFPut dialog are removed
Getting Started
Being an application in a class of its own with several non-standard features, Easy View requires a few words for the new users.
Users of previous versions should skip the next section.
New Users
(Adapted from TidBITS#136/03-Aug-92)
To start using Easy View, it is a good idea to have some issues of TidBITS, because it illustrates the setext concept best. If you don't have as many of the back issues as you would like, you can download them from your favorite site: CompuServe (MACCLUB #8), ZiffNet/Mac (ZMC:DOWNTECH #7), America Online (TidBITS library in the Hardware forum), and the Internet (sumex-aim.stanford.edu in the /info-mac/digest/tb directory).
Once you have several back issues defunked, put them in the TidBITS folder that comes with Easy View. The folder includes an empty view (the file with "V" on its icon) in the TidBITS folder, so go ahead and double-click on that to start up Easy View. You will see all the issues you just put there, displayed in a such form as intended by the author.
Sample folders are included for other formats, such as digest and mail.
Upgrading from EV 2.3
All files (View and Preference) are compatible between various versions of EV 2.x. So nothing special is required other than dragging the application in place of the older version.
Thus, you need not copy the sample folders that come with this version, your old views will work as is.
If you cannot see the colored icon of the new version, you may need to rebuild the desktop. Since EV has now drag-and-drop features, you may want to place it in a corner of your desktop permanently.
Configuration dialog is hidden deliberately. If you _really_ need to use it, just press option or shift before releasing the mouse on the Preferences menu.
Rather than opening this text file, you should directly open the view file "Easy View - Read Me" in order to appreciate the program.